Articles sur le web

Savoir exploiter les réseaux sociaux

André Ouellet, 2008-09-18

Bien que l'utilité des réseaux sociaux ne soulève plus beaucoup de doutes, les entreprises doivent encore apprendre à en tirer le plein potentiel.

Au-delà de la présence, l'authenticité

Jean-François Ferland , 2008-09-18

Les réseaux sociaux, qui prônent l'interaction, nécessitent une adaptation et une implication active de la part des organisations qui s'y aventurent. Selon deux observateurs, l'honnêteté et la transparence y sont de mise.

L'optimisation d'un site ne se fait pas en criant « mot-clé »

Jean-François Ferland, 2007-03-28

Pour mieux être repéré dans l'océan binaire du Web, un site Internet peut bénéficier d'un perfectionnement de sa structure et de ses contenus envers les moteurs de recherche. Un stratège nous explique que cette optimisation fait l'objet d'une diversité d'actions.

Le Web 2.0 ou comment faire de l'argent quand c'est gratuit

Alain Beaulieu, 2007-03-23

Comment générer des revenus quand c'est gratuit? Voilà la question qui hante bien des artisans du Web 2.0 et que s'est posée un spécialiste de Sun qui perçoit dans la valeur ajoutée un élément de la réponse.



Ce logiciel est en anglais.

Version 0.8

The tiniest most useful application on your desktop!

TopMenu is a small application that gives you access to your favorite programs, files, folders or web sites in only a few mouse clicks. TopMenu lets you create the simplest or most complex menu hierarchy and uses a tiny screen footprint that is designed to float over other applications in an unobtrusive way.

Here's what the default TopMenu looks like.

To use TopMenu

  • Select your target from the floating menu.
  • You can move your menu by clicking on the left side of it's windows and dragging it.
  • You can close TopMenu by clicking on the "x" button at the right.

The default menu that is loaded when a new user launches TopMenu for the first time already contains top level menus for your Applications, Documents, Folders, Internet, and Emails.

From this starting point, you can add, delete and replace menus, sub menus and menu items to organize your computing environment as you like.

Editing your menu top

TopMenu is distributed with a menu editor built in Microsoft Excel. This makes the process of creating your menu simple and flexible. You can learn how to use it in less than a minute!

Since the inclusion of the Excel menu editor (in the 0.8 beta), the following sections are only recommended if you want to manually edit the markup of your TopMenu files. Most users should jump directly to the download section at the bottom of this page.

Adding Menus top

Add a top level menu

<menu label="Applications">

Top level menus are arranged horizontally in the tiny menu window. One of the design criteria was to get the smallest possible footprint.

Add a root level menu item

< menu label="Applications">
<item label="Calc" path="c:\winnt\system32\calc.exe" />

First level sub menus are the easiest to reach. Your most used destinations are always only two mouse clicks away.

Add a sub-menu

< menu label="Applications">
<item label="Windows">
<item label="Calc" path="c:\winnt\system32\calc.exe" />
<item label="CharMap" path="c:\winnt\system32\charmap.exe" />
< /menu>

Adding sub-menu items helps your better organize your menu items. You can add as many sub-menu levels as you like.

Add a separator

< menu label="Applications">
<item label="Calc" path="c:\winnt\system32\calc.exe" />
<item label="-" />
<item label="CharMap" path="c:\winnt\system32\charmap.exe" />

Adding separators helps your better organize your your menu items. You can add as many separators as you like.

Adding Menu Items top

Launching programs

< menu label="Applications">
<item label="Calc" path="c:\winnt\system32\calc.exe" />

The label attribute of the menu item is where you type the menu item text that will appear. The path should point to the executable program file you want to launch.

TIP:Use the Clipboard>FilePath menu to get a file path on the clipboard, then paste it in the menu file.

Opening a documents

< menu label="Applications">
<item label="Some File" path="c:\somefile.txt" />

The path should point to the file you want to open. The file will be opened with it's associated application, just like if you double-click it in Windows' Explorer.

Opening a documents with a specific application

< menu label="Applications">
<item label="Some File" path="c:\windows\notepad.exe" args="c:\somefile.dat" />

Opening a file with a specific application is just a matter of launching the executable file through the path attribute and specifying the file to load through the args attribute.

Opening a folders

< menu label="Folders">
<item label="c:\Program Files" path="explorer.exe" args="/n,/e,C:\Program Files" />

Opening a folder is just like opening a file with a specific application. The application being the windows "explorer.exe" and the argument being the folder path you want to access.

Navigating to a web site

< menu label="Internet">
<item label="Formédia" path="" />

Type the site's url in the path attribute.

Opening an email windows

< menu label="Emails">
<item label="John" path="" />

Put "mailto:" before the email address in the path attribute.

Launching scripts

< menu label="Emails">
<item label="My Script" path="c:\myscript.vbs" />

By pointing the path attribute to a script file, the windows script engine will execute it when the menu item is selected.

Using built-in functions top

Built-in functions are all accessed through the TopMenu button. Let me know about functionality you would like to see included in your TopMenu.

Download TopMenu top


TopMenu is a .NET Application and requires thet the .NET Framework be installed on your computer. You can download the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable Package here.


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